Folding Outfeed Table for Ryobi BT3000 Tablesaw
I recycled an old hollow-core door from our friends Ryan & Tracey after their dogs chewed a hole through it. Once I cut it down and reinforced it, it made a very nice flip-up folding outfeed table for the saw.
Top View with Sliding Miter Table Retracted:
I mounted a 3/4″ plywood runner to the bottom of the rear rail using T-Nuts from T-Nuts.com.
I have a sacrificial fence on the stock Ryobi BT3000 rip fence. I had to cut an arc out of the end of it so that it doesn’t collide with the outfeed table when its being folded.
Thanks to the advice from the good folks at BT3central in this thread, I made a few modifications.
I added a support which acts as an adjustable leg and is anchored to the saw rather than the floor. The result is enormously more intelligent and frees up a lot of space on the floor. Also, you can roll the saw wherever you please without worrying about the stand for the outfeed table.
I also rounded over the edge of the outfeed table to ensure that nothing hangs up when moving from the saw to the outfeed table.
Hey David,
I am really impressed by your setup. I bought my BT3000 about 10 years ago. Have used it very little over the years. I am now getting to a point that I can get a real setup. I am having difficulty finding the extended rails. I see it looks like you have two saws in your photos. you have any suggestions?
Chris, you are correct – this is a “frankensaw” which is 2 BT3000’s ganged together. You can purchase a rail kit for the saw or do what i did and join 2 saws together.
Watch this forum for folks who are selling rail kits – they are sold fairly regularly there. (http://www.bt3central.com/forumdisplay.php?f=26) Also, you might post a wanted ad. I’ve bought some accessories for the BT3000 that way.
The easiest way to purchase a 2nd saw is craigslist. I keep an RSS feed for the phrase “BT3000” on the austin craigslist so i see any that are posted. A very good deal for a complete setup is $100 (that’s what i paid for my 2nd saw). Your milage may vary, but I see saws posted for sale about every 3 – 4 weeks in Austin and about once or twice a year that are a really good deal — patience is your friend.
You also might watch this forum for notices about BT3000’s for sale – (http://www.bt3central.com/forumdisplay.php?f=14). People post about ones they see on Craigslist there from time to time.
Finally, for some more reading about “frankensaws”, try this search:
Best and thanks for the note!
Hey David, It’s Chris again. I finally got a set of front and rear rail from another saw. How did you connect the rails so they align? Did you fabricate inserts or did you get a wide table hardware kit?
I used a wide table hardware connecting kit. There are some discussions on Bt3central.com of folks who have machined their own.
I really appreciate your posting this outfeed table. I also have a BT3000 with metal stand. I have been very happy with this saw and become a little frustrated with the “real woodworkers” have negative comments. I have made furniture and various wood products for the family. This addition will be great for my small shop setup. I also am set up in a 2 car garage but I refuse to give up the car space, so everything must fit around the car space when not working. So far, so good. 🙂
Question: How did you attach the outfeed to the rail?
What size T nuts did you order for 3/4 inch plywood runner? Thanks!!
Jim, they are designed to fit into the bottom of the BT3000 rail and accept a bolt of any length.
These are great for mounting all sorts of jigs to the saw..
Hope that helps!
Thanks for the info! I’ll check Tnuts.com and see if they are in stock! Also, thank you for putting your table saw image on Google for ideas!! Very impressive!
I’m still using by BT300 after 20 years. Have used various setups for folding outfeed tables but I like yours very much. I did find some OEM hardware for the table but Ryobi hinges have been elusive to find.
I’m also still using the BT3000 after almost 30 years. I find it much more versatile than just a table saw.
The outfeed you’ve designed seems like the best solution and plan to build one. I don’t see how you’ve compensated for the dust collection when the table is down. Do you just raise it every time you use the saw or???
I was thinking that a hole in the outfeed would accommodate the exhaust. Any thoughts?
Thanks for all of the hints.