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After cluster-feeding over and over for 4 hours early this morning and dropping the duece 8 times since she was born (normally, you hope for 1 load on the first day), Madeline finally slept for several hours this morning. Count mom & dad thankful.
This birth was especially quick. After Jen had been laboring yesterday evening for several hours, we called the doctor because the contractions had started to get “real” and were happening every 5-7 minutes. The doctor said we should hang tight at home and wait until they were every 3 minutes and lasting for a full minute before we came to the hospital. Well, the contractions never got to that interval, but by early this morning, we decided that everything was quite enough intense to justify going to the hospital. When we arrived at the hospital, she was fully dilated and effaced. All that was required was about 30 minutes of pushing and Madeline was born!.
It was a long, sleepless night but a wonderful morning. Today we were joined by Grandma Kinney, Grandma & Grandpa Cox, honorary aunts Jen & Amber as well as honorary uncle Michael.
More photos here: http://davidcox.smugmug.com/Family/Madeline-Irene-Birth-June-2012/
Move videos here: https://vimeo.com/user1348869/videos
Madeline Irene Cox was born June 24, 2012 @ 9:27am. She weighs 6lbs 11oz and is 18.5″ tall. Mom and baby are doing great.
More images here: http://davidcox.smugmug.com/Family/Madeline-Irene-Birth-June-2012
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