Fun with Grandma & Grandpa

Madeline spent some time with Grandma & Grandpa Cox this past weekend.

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Ugly Dolls, Cute Baby

Jennifer built a mobile to hang in the nursery over Madeline’s crib out of ugly dolls. Its unique and adorable (for being so ugly).

DIY mobile for baby's nursery made out of ugly dolls

Closeup of DIY mobile for baby's nursery made out of ugly dolls

When Madeline sees them, her inner derpina comes out…

Or sometimes her inner arnold… Whatcha talkin bout Willis?

Usually, however, she’s just her normal adorable self:

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Hoisting this Gigantic Cranium is Hard Work

Horray for Tummy Time! I think the bizarre baby grunts are what make this!

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Happy 25th Grandma & Grandpa

Grandma & Grandpa Hart celebrated their 25th anniversary this week. Madeline had to tell them congratulations.

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Party Time

Madeline & Jenny went to a baby shower this weekend for our friend Elke. This was Maddie’s first big outing around a bunch of people. Overall, she did ok — a few meltdowns here and there, but she charmed the guests.

Madeline wore a beautiful dress which was given to her by our friends Diana & Khaled.

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Well, this is a nice change..

Up until now, Jen has had to do almost all of the heavy lifting related to taking care of Madeline since she is Maddie’s food source. Here’s a nice change (email readers, you will need to click on “Well, this is a nice change” above to view the video below in a browser):

Now, hopefully I can be more of a help with the baby!

Here’s some new pics as well:

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Madeline’s First Roadtrip

We ventured 2 hours East for Madeline’s first roadtrip to visit Grandma & Grandpa Kinney at their ranch near Madisonville. Madeline seemed to enjoy the drive and didn’t fuss much. Generally, she seems to really enjoy riding in the car. When she did cry a bit, cracking the window to make some wind noise seemed to make her much happier.

Madeline with Grandma Kinney

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Meeting Aleen

Madeline got to meet Aleen & her mom when they visited Austin from New York via San Antonio. Uncle Michael also came by to see Madeline’s guests. Aleen is David’s friend from Baylor who was later roommates for a summer with David, Michael, and Mark in Austin. We met a number of friends through Aleen including Amy, Tyree, and Stephanie which led to Ron meeting their friend Robyn, whom he later married.

Aleen and Madeline

Aleen’s mom, Madeline & Aleen

Aleen & Michael

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Baths are pretty alright. Hiccups not so much.

Madeline had her first real bath and she loved it!

Hiccups kinda suck!

Power to the babies!

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Vote for Pedro

Madeline’s Aunt Taylor brought her a custom made “Vote for Pedro” onesie inspired by the movie “Napoleon Dynamite”

Vote for Pedro

Taylor also brought Madeline this onesie

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