New Portraits of Madeline

Madeline in white hat

Madeline in Black & White

Madeline in garden

Madeline with Flower

Madeline with Easter Egg

Madeline with Grandpa

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Nine months old

On Sunday the 24th, Maddie turned the big nine months old!

Hey, everybody! It’s great to be nine months old!

She had a well-child check up with her doctor and even escaped without getting shots this time. We do have some vitals to report: Maddie weighs 15 lbs. 7 oz. and is 26 3/4 inches tall. If you are wondering, she is in the 10th percentile for weight and the 15th for height. (She’s off the charts for cuteness, though!)

Yes, we have a healthy, completely normal, albeit small child. After reviewing the numbers, the doctor looked at Jen and asked, “how tall are you?”

Jen replied, “I’m 5′ 4″ tall.”

The doctor, a short woman herself, paused then stated, “she’s just going to be petite!”

As long as she’s healthy, who cares?! We all know that, “she’s not short, she’s fun-sized,” and “dynamite comes in small packages.” Too true, baby. Too true.

Welcome, Aunt Shirley and Uncle Bun!

Jen’s Aunt Shirley (her dad’s sister) and Uncle Bun recently joined the ranks of retired folk. Once the retirement party was over and the gold watch received, their first order of business was to hop in their van and point it south to visit Jen, Dave and Maddie.

Don’t I know you?

The weather was great, the company even finer. We all made a trip out to Fredericksburg for some site seeing. Dave’s mom and dad came over to the house for grilled burgers and some playtime in the backyard.

Hanging in the backyard with Grandma and Grandpa Cox

Aunt Shirley and Maddie playing with ice. Thank goodness infants (and aunts) are easily entertained.

After three fun-filled days, Shirley and Bun left our 80+ degree weather and headed back north to the frozen Nebraska tundra. I understand they are already planning their next trip south. We’re all so glad they could come down and spend time with us all. Thank you both!

We miss you guys! See you this summer!

Breakfast just got cuter

2013-03-07 07 22 26

Madeline is no longer interested in her morning oatmeal. You can add banana, blueberries, peaches, even mango, but she’ll be the first to tell you she’s ready for something new.

And not just anything new. If mom can put it on a spoon and feed it to her, whirred-up mushy food of any variety is quickly losing its appeal…especially when she discovered she can feed herself.

Grandma Kinney (shout out!) bought some flavored cereal puffs, which Maddie loves. But the real rite of passage is the first Cheerio.

And so, breakfast just got cuter courtesy of some diced up plum and Maddie’s first Cheerio.

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8 months old

Madeline is now just over 8 months old. Here’s some new portraits.

Madeline at 8 months

Madeline at 8 months

Madeline at 8 months

Madeline at 8 months

Madeline at 8 months

Madeline at 8 months

Madeline at 8 months

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Hay Ride

Madeline got to go on a hay ride this morning while Grandpa Kinney fed his cows.

Madeline & Mommy on a hayride

Madeline with Grandpa Kinney and his cows

Madeline and Mommy

Madeline and Mommy with Grandpa Kinney's Cows

Madeline with Mommy and a cow

Madeline with mommy


Feeding cows is hard work
Feeding cows is hard work. Maddie fell fast asleep in Jen’s arms.

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Professional crawler

Pretty soon Maddie will be able to go pro in the world of army crawling/leg dragging! She’s still not using her knees and legs much but that doesn’t stop her too much.

Madeline crawling

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Grandma, that’s the biggest dog I’ve ever seen


Oh Hai!

Madeline with food

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Look what I can do!

Maddie has a new skill — she could join the army with a crawl like that… up next: how do legs work?

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Video of Maddie

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