Just need a couple more inches on those legs…

For her big number one birthday, Maddie received the cutest red and white Ybike from Grandma and Grandpa Kinney. If you’re like me and have no idea what a Ybike is, it’s a little trike…in a sort of “y” shape. It’s much cooler than that description. The most important thing is that Maddie is enamored of it and is just itching to get on that thing and ride, ride, ride! She has the whole swinging her leg over the saddle thing down pat and even knows she needs to push herself along with her feet…if only her feet reached the ground. Since she’s just a wee, little thing, she’s missing a couple of inches of height until she can really make use of the Ybike. No matter, she has her own way of enjoying this cute toy. Just see for yourself:

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3 thoughts on “Just need a couple more inches on those legs…

  1. Oh my gosh! She is growing up so fast and is toooo cute! Hopefully one day I will get to meet her in person. She is a doll!!

  2. I made my boss, the psychologist, watch this with me. She was most impressed with Maddie’s problem solving skills. I was impressed with how dang cute she is. Thank you for sharing this video.

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