Happy Birthday Joaquin!

We attended a birthday party for little Joaquin G on the occasion of his first birthday. Maddie met lots of friends and is a little jealous that Joaquin knows how to walk! The birthday boy was a man-on-the-move and we didn’t get many pictures of him.

Joaqin makin' the move
It should be noted that there are several similarities between Joaquin and his father Ron. First, as exhibited above, he likes the ladies. Second, notice that Joaquin was partying with no shirt (nor pants) on his birthday. This too, is not unique.

Madeline at Joaquin's birthday
Madeline at Joaquin’s birthday

Mia, Oscar & Elke
Mia, Oscar & Elke G.

Mia G
Mia G

Mia likes good beer
Note that Mia is a fan of good beer, even at an early age.

Mia with her daddy Oscar
Mia with her daddy Oscar

Maddie with daddy
Maddie looks cute. daddy, not so much!

Maddie and a friend
Maddie and a friend

baby Drew (Joaquin’s cousin)

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