Normie, Mandee & Beth

Soon after we returned from Nebraska, our friends Norma, Mandee, and Beth came by to meet Madeline.

Our relationship to Norma and Mandee is somewhat convoluted, but here goes: Jen’s friend Heather (her Maid of Honor; Beth’s sister) went to college at Southwestern University where she met Mandee. Later in life, Heather and Mandy were roommates in Kansas City. They convinced Jen to move there as well. In Kansas City, Jen met the entire clan: Mandee, her twin sister Katee, their mom Norma, her sister Cindy, as well as a gaggle of other folks. Jen eventually ended up working at Cindy’s Lebanese restaurant where she learned some incredible recipes. Heather (now married to Chris) as well as Mandee now live in Rochester. Norma & Katee still live in KC. Though not related by blood and spread out across the country, this clan is incredibly special to our family!

Mandee, Jen, & Katee
Mandee, Jen & Katee at our wedding in 2006

Madeline with Norma
Madeline with Norma

Mandee with Madeline
Madeline with Mandee

Mandee and Madeline

Beth and Madeline
Beth with Madeline

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