Yeah, the post title could use a little work, but I think you understand my jist – Maddie is getting her first tooth! It’s been quite the process.
Here is our dear, sweet, laid back baby girl just a couple of weeks ago:
Adorable, right? Right.
Sure, there had been plenty of drooling and chewing on things, but that really ramped up over the past week or so. Rattles and fingers – her own or others’ – are the preferred chew toys.
So, chewing and drooling everywhere is a tolerable side effect of the teething process. Enjoyable, even, in comparison to the occasional fits of screaming – even while we’re doing one of her favorite things – eating:
All part of the process…I know, I know. And honestly, she’s been her same, happy, chilled out self for the most part. She can be in the midst of screaming and crying and still muster a smile in spite of it all.
To end this on a happy note, here is a cute video of Madeline going to TOWN on a cold teething ring.
Those of you reading via email will need to click “Thar’s a tooth…” above to view the video in your browser.
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