Here is the much-anticipated part two blog entry about Maddie’s first birthday party…one month and one day AFTER the fact. So yeah…um, sorry about the wait. Bet you were distracted a bit by the birth of the new Prince, though!
The party was, (if I may say so), a smash. So many friends and family members came to our house to celebrate Maddie’s first year.
Auntie Amy – bless her heart – drove up from Houston an entire day early just to help with preparations for the party. It wasn’t all work and no play as evidenced by the stylish chef’s kerchief and toque fashioned from a cloth napkin and breakfast taco paper bag. Clever, Auntie. Very clever.
Here is Maddie with Grandpa Kinney. Grandpa even changed her diaper since mommy and grandma were busy readying food for the party. THAT bit of info is definitely blog-worthy.
The backyard pre-party, waiting to entertain guests.
When it got down to cake-eating time, Maddie was a bit apprehensive. I figured since she had been through this process in Nebraska once already, she’d go after that angel food cake like a honey badger after a python.
Grandma, are you sure about this?
Grandma Kinney must have talked her into it.
Eating cake is serious business.
And then there were the presents. Everyone was so generous and kind. We’ve been holding back a few of the gifts to pull out over the next few weeks. It’s like a birthday every month around here!
All in all, my dear Madeline, your first birthday party was a good one. A little cake, some great gifts and above all, you spent the day with some of the nicest people your mommy and daddy know. Plus, you ended the day wearing just your underwear. This better not become a habit.
I’ll end this post with a picture of Maddie and two of Dave’s close friends from childhood, Unky Joe and Unky Brian. Two forces whom I hope Maddie continues to find amusing and endearing…but not influential.