Rock County, Nebraska is celebrating its Quasquicentennial (125 years) June 13-16, 2013. One of the highlights of the festivities was the “125 Years of Sandhills Heritage” parade on Saturday.
The parade was started by an flyover by a local cropduster. Word on the street was that he was applying an arial topdressing of superphosphate mixed with a medium 25-47 dose of mosquito repellant. Whatever the actual concoction, it seemed to work well: the parade immediately showed more hardy vigor and had a brighter sheen.
Cub Scouts & Boy Scouts serving as color guard
There were numerous floats, including a number for the classes celebrating reunions at the event. Here is Al Armstrong who went on to win audience favorite at the mustache and beard-growing contest. Note Al’s duck dynasty t-shirt, which is actually a self-portrait.
Teresa & Jacie B.
This float won “most creative” by a huge margin in audience voting.
Following their appearance in the parade, the “Class of 83” broke ranks and re-entered the parade as the “Class of 38”. Following this appearance, they broke ranks again only to re-enter the route again, this time as the “Ass of 38”.
Chris B.
Jen, Cheryl and Bernie decorated one of the American Broadband (nee Huntel) trucks with several cable spools made up to look like a birthday cake.
Madeline got to ride in the parade with Grandpa Bernie and Jen. She had a ball seeing all the parade watchers and handing out candy.
Madeline with Aunt Taylor
Grandpa Bernie & his sister Shirley B.
Maddie, Grandma Cheryl, & Jen