
It’s a little sick how much I do enjoy getting Maddie to mimic me. I guess I still equate her ability (her brilliant, brilliant ability) to that of an abnormally smart beagle. No, I didn’t just say my daughter is a dog – although she does eat food off the floor if she finds it – I mean to say it delights me when she shows me that she is learning how to be a human. (Awww…she thinks she’s people!)

To date, she’s registered her disgust with something by making that “ucch!”sound in the back of her throat (something I didn’t realize I did that often until I heard it parroted back to me by a 10 month-old. She’s not shy about giving us all a “ta-da!” after crawling through her Ikea tunnel. However, my favorite to-date is how she gives a big, satisfied, “Ahhh,” after taking a drink – real or pretend. Here’s yet another adorable video:

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