Major Award Winner

I was recently honored to be awarded the staff of the year by the College of Communication at the University of Texas. On an overcast Sunday morning, we joined a number of students from our college who have earned honors in their coursework for a very nice brunch.

Madeline, Mommy & Daddy
Madeline, Mommy & Daddy

Madeline & Mommy
Madeline & Mommy

Madeline with Grandma
Madeline with Grandma

Madeline, David, Grandma & Grandpa
Madeline, David, Grandma & Grandpa

Madeline, Mommy, Daddy & Grandma Kinney
Madeline, Mommy, Daddy & Grandma Kinney

Madeline with Grandma Kinney & Mommy
Madeline with Grandma Kinney & Mommy

During the singing of “The Eyes of Texas” at the end of the brunch, Madeline sang along. Her rendition was something along the lines of “Daa La Meea Ba aaah Beah Thppt Laa”. I like to think this means she is a happy Texan-born-girl who might go to UT someday. Jen and Michele (as proper, impassioned graduates of Texas A&M University) insist that her rendition was sung as an unironic impassioned protest statement made from behind enemy lines given the assault which was inflicted upon her ears.

Major Award Winner
Congratulations Major Award Winner

Dave & Jeremy with Dean
David with Dean Hart and Jeremy Gruy who was also honored

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