Celebrating Month 10 By Crawlin’, Standin’ and Talkin’

One week ago, (my how lazy we are getting about posting to this blog), Maddie rang in her tenth month. She’s growing so much: three new teeth for a total of eight now; sprouting up a couple of inches, or at least her pants are getting shorter. She’s always been a great eater but she is eating everything in sight – macaroni and cheese (with a secret ingredient of some pureed squash and carrots) is a favorite.

In the past couple of weeks, she has started to crawl on all fours instead of her amazing army-style crawl. She’s been pulling up to stand all by herself, too. Walking can’t be too far in the future. Her “vocabulary” is really expanding, too. So many words in her own baby language, but she’s starting to mimic words and sounds we make and already knows that a puppy goes, “ruff!”

Enjoy this video of Maddie showing off some of her new skills. Happy birthday, baby girl!

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