On Sunday the 24th, Maddie turned the big nine months old!

Hey, everybody! It’s great to be nine months old!
She had a well-child check up with her doctor and even escaped without getting shots this time. We do have some vitals to report: Maddie weighs 15 lbs. 7 oz. and is 26 3/4 inches tall. If you are wondering, she is in the 10th percentile for weight and the 15th for height. (She’s off the charts for cuteness, though!)
Yes, we have a healthy, completely normal, albeit small child. After reviewing the numbers, the doctor looked at Jen and asked, “how tall are you?”
Jen replied, “I’m 5′ 4″ tall.”
The doctor, a short woman herself, paused then stated, “she’s just going to be petite!”
As long as she’s healthy, who cares?! We all know that, “she’s not short, she’s fun-sized,” and “dynamite comes in small packages.” Too true, baby. Too true.
Growing! Growing!! Growing!!! And, very happy and beautiful too.