More fun in the cold

Maddie got to see snow falling for the first time today. She was intrigued and thankfully didn’t eat the yellow snow!

Maddie and daddy

Madeline and Cheryl

Madeline in reindeer antlers

Madeline in the snow

Madeline in the snow

Madeline with Grandpa in the snow
Madeline in the snow with Grandpa


Great-Aunt Shirley and Great-Uncle Bun came back to visit again on New Year’s Day!

Madeline with Aunt Shirley
Madeline with Great-Aunt Shirley

Madeline with Uncle Bun
Madeline with Great-Uncle Bun

Madeline with Great-Aunt Shirley

Maddie is starting to get her 2nd tooth and somewhat crabby these days

Madeline with Aunt Shirley
Madeline with Aunt Shirley

Madeline teething is no fun
Madeline with Jan Foster on New Years Eve — teething is no fun!

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