Even More New Friends

Maddie got to see our friend Amy Esdorn again this week. Amy came to Austin for a birthday party and spent the night with us. We made coffee-crusted pork loin on the grill and enjoyed some awesome cheeses and some fantastic red wine from Becker Vineyards. We’re pretty sure Madeline will grow up with both an appreciation for Velveta Mac & Cheese as well as a solid triple-creme brie on baguette.

Madeline with Amy Esdorn

Later in the week, Madeline met two of Grandma Sue’s friends — Ida Bathey (from Houston) and Anne Pinero (formerly of Houston, now of Austin). We spent several hours with them at Grandma Sue’s house and enjoyed a wonderful lunch and coffee.

Madeline with Ida Bathey

Madeline with Anne Pinero

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